Retargeting – the timeless telemarketing tactic

Retargeting, before Google Ads it was a timeless telemarketing tactic

When you read “retargeting”, I bet your mind jumped to online ads that follow you around after you’ve browsed a product or service and we all think is very clever (or sometimes a bit creepy!).    In reality, retargeting has been around the real world of sales and telemarketing forever, it is a timeless and human approach to building relationships and staying top of mind.

Retargeting is  follow-up.

It’s the deliberate act of reengaging someone after an initial interaction.    It might be a prospect who showed mild interest, someone you’ve introduced your business to for the first time, or the  person you cold called and woke up to an idea, problem or solution that they hadn’t yet considered.

Why retargeting matters in cold calling

When we reach out to someone, especially when cold calling or telemarketing, we’reinterrupting their day. They certainly weren’t actively thinking about solving the problem we address and maybe  hadn’t even realised it was important to them but we’ve sparked a thought.

To assume that this spark will instantly ignite into action on their part is a mistake. Instead, it’s our job to gently and strategically rekindle the spark until it catches.  On the other side of the same coin we need to push through the standard  brush offs around not being interested that we might face and find a way back to them.  A good percentage of the prospects you reached out to on Monday will, by Friday, be chatting about your topic in their own head, make sure you show up so they don’t go and talk to your competitor!

Follow-up is not just about persistence it’s about presence. It’s about showing up enough times for the prospect to recognise who we are and understand what we’re offering, but not so much that they feel overwhelmed, pestered, or, worse, creeped out (keep it humane).

When to follow up

Following up too soon or too often can be off-putting. Space out your communications to avoid overwhelming the prospect while still staying relevant but still do the activity of following up (retargetting), multiple times.

Each follow up should add something of value; whether it’s a piece of helpful content, an insight tailored to their industry, or even just a friendly nudge to let them know you’re available when they’re ready.

Using what you’ve learned from earlier interactions to tailor your message ensures that follow ups feel thoughtful, not generic.

A mix of email, phone, LinkedIn, and even offline methods like direct mail can make your outreach feel more natural and less like an automated campaign as you use the strengths of each tactic to give them another nudge/reminder.

We call it your ‘getting to know you campaign’ and we look at putting together a number of different nudges and activities over a certain period of time to build familiarity as efficiently and effectively as possible.

The idea of retargeting is not new. Sales thought leaders like Anthony Iannarino emphasise the importance of consistently creating value over time and to  be strategic and in for the long game.

Retargeting or follow up is, at its core, about persistence with purpose. It’s about recognising that relationships take time to develop and that familiarity breeds trust. When done well, retargeting isn’t annoying or creepy, it’s helpful, human, and effective.   If your outreach sparks an idea or grabs attention, you’ve already succeeded in step one and to make sure you don’t leave an opportunity on the table follow up strategically and thoughtfully. Be the brand or individual they can’t quite forget, not because you’re everywhere, but because you’re relevant, timely, and valuable.

Retargeting is one that continues to prove its worth.  Whether you’re running a high touch human outreach campaign or relying on digital automation, the principle remains the same: stay visible, give valuable,  be  human as quick as possible and stay in touch.

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