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Leaning into a crowded market

Before you read this, please do consider this question: What is the smarter strategy: to look to break into a sector where there are only average profits but they are achievable and you can enter the market fairly easily or

The law of attraction in lead generation

The Law of Lead Generation Attraction

The Law of Lead Generation Attraction Attraction is sub-conscious even in business.  Think of the simple act of receiving a LinkedIn request to connect.  You are subconsiously answering the unasked question that is “does this person belong in my world?”

Get on with it, work with what you have, connect with people as a human being, that is how you start your lead generation journey.

Get on with it

Done is better than perfect – you honestly just need to get on with it. I work with a very niche consultant, we are now into month 15.  This is a very quick story of his experience on going to

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