Find your value by finding your difference
The cost of not finding your difference is that you will compete on price. If you look just the same and seem to offer just what your competitors offer, why should a prospect choose you – why wouldn’t they just choose the cheapest.
To get away from competing on price you need to put the work in to find your difference, your remarkable, your unique selling points. For your longer term profit and growth it is vital. It is not easy to do but the benefit of putting the work into finding your difference and developing your uniqueness is that you get to talk about your value and all the heaven that you take your client to when they have your products/services in their lives.
When someone says they are happy to refer and recommend you – ask them why? What did they really like about what you offered, accomplished, achieved. Start asking some great questions to really understand why people are satisfied with working with you. People will be delighted to give you feedback and will tell you what they like, they will also feedback on what was not so good, listen carefully and positively. Their frustration/disappointment might be something that you can fix really easily and even create another benefit and improve the reasons the next person should work with you.
There are loads of frustrations out there that people have, there is an inherent resistance to what you offer, your industry or the work you do and I am assuming you at least know the main ones! If knowing all this information can help you start solving those frustrations or overcoming some of the identifiable resistance in your potential buyers it is a huge plus for you. Having and using this knowledge will ensure you are relevant to your market and it will help you build the know, like and trust.
One of the biggest resistances I come up against when doing this work is that a client says “I do all these tasks…” and then list the tasks that they and all their competitors in their profession offer. If all you do is the tasks of your industry then why would your prospect not just buy the cheapest?? This is where we need to do the work to find the difference. We need to take it much further if you want to get to the value platform and selling at your desired pricepoint and get away from competing on price. My work and previous blogs around niches take this further by discussing the pricing power of specialism over generalism and standing apart from your competitors.
How Do You Start Finding Your Differences?
How do you address talking about your particular unique selling points and find your difference?
First of all ask “why do people buy from us?” and write down the whole list, what approach, attitude, offers, packages, promises has made people choose you, don’t forget to check in with your Please state even the most obvious as what is obvious to you might not be obvious to your prospect – lots of opportunities are left on the table because a company did not see what the prospect was actually looking to buy. (What to know more on this check out my blog on “why” here
Discuss why each of these benefits matters to the prospect and why your way of providing this solution is really really important and keep asking those questions of the reason (s) that you come up with. You have to put your work in to make your solutions on a different level. You have to show why, what, how,why you do things is so important to your prospect
It might be a particular package of benefits that takes a whole load of work and worry off your clients overflowing plate. It could be your unique skills, buying power, innovation.
It is not easy to do this work but once you have triggered your brain and that of your colleagues to look for these points of difference you will really start to see a difference in picking out what matters and what is relevant to your prospects and clients – rather than what you assumed was important!
And you will love living on the value platform – you will never go back to the bargain basement of price again!
How Can I Help You Find Your Difference
Referrals are not enough, you need to build your own lead generation processes in your business too Identifying and recognising your unique approach is the path to creating a lead generation process in your business. I offer “Done For You” retained marketing contracts and have a “Done With You” marketing programme which supports you or a nominated team player to implement your marketing.
I set up my business Your Lead Generation to be the plug in marketing dynamo I was looking for over the 20 years when I was building and running our family business.
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