Nurturing your leads

Nurturing your leads is so important.  Having your world set up to nurture your leads take  some time and effort  but it will work for you while you sleep.  The majority of leads that come into your world are not ready to buy so nurturing your leads is really important.

A lead is a person who is interested in what you sell or offer and has given you their details so they can learn more about you.  First things first:

Don’t let the lead forget why they wanted you in their life!

Whether a referral or you have caught their eye while they were going about their lives they may not be ready to buy but they want to be in your world.   You need to nurture  these warm to cool leads  in your sales funnel so they  get to know like and trust you so when they are ready to buy they know where to find you.

Nurturing your leads in the sales funnel

There are 3 main parts of your world that you need to set up for nurturing your leads so they turn to you when they are ready to buy.

1       Direct marketing

1       Email marketing

2       Telemarketing

3       Direct mail

2       Website – online assets

3       Social Media

1       Connect

2       Engage

3       Share content

To start of nurturing your leads kick off with a great email campaign.  Give them a warm welcome as soon as they sign up to be in  your world (no making them wait  for the next monthly email newsletter to go out).  They have signed up to hear from you   and do all you can to help them build the know like and trust of you and start nurturing your leads:

Ultimately, pick up the phone and speak to them, use this great resource to:

·        Find out where they are at and qualify the lead.  

·        Ask effective open ended questions so you can determine  you are the right fit expand the opportunity and listen.  

·        Don’t try and go into hard sell you are trying to develop insight and get youclear on the scope of the opportunity available either now or in the future.

·        Get to know what the decision making process is, are you talking to the right decision maker, will it be via a committee or board.  Which is going to be the best features of your product/service will it be the tried and tested that reduce their “risk” that will close the deal rather than the  new to the world new bells and whistles.

·        Find a way to get buy in – it is no good if you are doing all the work, make them do something even if it is answering a few questions or a short questionnaire  let them show you that there is a sales opportunity.  You need to know they are looking to buy and that they  are warm and committed to the process.


Asking for the sale


At some point and at regular intervals you offer calls to action (CTA) – maybe an offer, demo, trial, how can they trial a taster of what you offer.

Those that respond to the CTA can then go into your sales process, follow up etc share case studies of other satisfied customers just like them.

Those that don’t respond can simply stay in nurture, consuming your content.    


Closing sales

Just for completeness as they proceed respond to your CTAs you will get the invitation to pitch your solution so how can we approach this:

·       Deliver your proposition with a very customised approach that you have gained through the nurture process, phone calls etc.

·       Add value. Share clear data with them that shows results and encourage your prospect to interact with you and ask questions. 

·       How can you use your proposition to challenge them to think differently, how can you leverage your expertise to help your solution stand apart.  This is where you create difference.  Remember your prospect is looking for all the similarities so he can bring the conversation onto price.  You need to  create your difference and why you are the expert they should choose.

·       Know the entry standards that is not the pitch – there are certain things that they can go anywhere and get the same service – 98% customer satisfaction is not a point of difference if they can get that from all of your competitors.

·       Follow up and follow up – offer resources and help so they can make the right buying decisions

·       Get the sale and deliver the best experience you can.


Happy lead generating!






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