Getting started with B2B lead generation
Getting into action with B2B lead generation is not easy as people just don’t understand what is involved;
- There are unrealistic expectations of what lead generation is and how it works.
- Most businesses are built for responding to inbound enquiries and delivering great customer service – outbound lead gen requires a totally different skillset.
- Lead Generation is outbound. It is just not everybody’s ‘thing’. They aren’t skill you probably recruit on.
Lead Generation success has more than its fair share of quick fixes, silver bullets, and empty promises for sale (at prices usually ending in a 7) and it is easy to believe that it is about finding a one “thing” that works. Honestly, “one” of anything – email, phone call, handshake, networking meeting, ad – does not work.
The big picture steps of lead generation is:
- Qualifying you are talking to the right person and have the right data (or building what you need).
- Building familiarity (know, like and trust).
- Showing up long enough so you are there when when they are ready to buy.
- Letting them get to know you by sharing value and building that relationshiop so they will give you some of their time.
- Be ready to pitch when asked
Consistent, tenacious professional pursuit is the mantra of those looking for a lead generation strategy.
There is no quick fix to Lead Generation. The system you are looking for is an asset building exercise – you should be building the lead generating journey with the same care and thought that you give to the delivery of your service or products. It is the hard work that sits between marketing and sales, it puts marketing to work to create sales and it is all about reaching out and going hunting.
If you get clear on what you stand for, who you serve and the results you get everything else will fall into place.
15 actions to take to get started with your B2B lead generation
Without getting too complicated here is a lead generation action plan:
- Choose a niche that you currently serve or would like to serve. Keep it simple what is one segment you could target. It could be by industry, geography, size of company, or probably a mix of all those 3.
- What is the pain (s) you solve for that segment, that they can identify. No more than 3.
- How do you solve their problem (s). What are you amazing at, what is your unique approach, product etc, dont tell them all your secrets just how they would understand it – no jargon or language they wouldnt understand.
- What are the results they will enjoy – this is important it is the value that you are to that target, it is why they buy from you.
- How can you show (rather than tell) this target market all they will enjoy by working with you. – this is the value you share.
- Where does your market hang out – on and off line, social media platforms, networking groups – write all the routes you can get to them.
- Where can you create some energy, excitement, expertise or empathy that they can get value from as you reach out to this world.. Get creative. This isn’t easy, there are many things that we need but nobody really wants to buy (they buy the value of it). You have to create some value, something bigger than the transactional stuff, you have to create interest and curiosity. If you say a statement that can be answered with “its ok we have that sorted” is not deep enough to connect or niche enough. What is your unique take on what you do that will trigger your buyer to want to know more.
- How can you give a taste of what you do, Is it demos, exhibition attendance, launches, offers, events, webinars, training
- How are you going to tell them about the above –
- Use telemarketing and speak to them and build some simple follow up routines.
- How can you get activiation going on social media
- What does your website/landing page need to say to show them that you should be in their world.
- What email nurture sequence can you put together
- What marketing collateral can you share
- Who are the key client facing members of your team who need to be getting more visible for your business. People buy people so how can you support your team to find their voice and be outward facing and the face of your company
- Don’t build on rented land. Build a database. It is important as you own it, your social media audience could be taken from you tomorrow. Work diligently and creatively to outreach to your target market and turn them into leads that you nurture.
- Start ongoing nurture, education and value building – create marketing literature and shareables.
- Get your online world in order to support the above (website and social). Test and measure the steps that open the doors to your world.
- You have to think big and act small – you have to see the sale/big hairy result which happens in the future but you have to act small enough close the next step in that journey today.
How does that feel? Is it anything like the lead generation you are currently undertaking.
By the way It is a great thing to outsource 💡🤔- I know just the people to help you ….
Let me know where you are at by emailing me at